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Grading Scale
Final marks will be recommended using the following cut-offs. Please note, that the scale cut-offs may be
changed at the discretion of the School or Faculty Assessment Board

85-100 = High Distinction
75-84 = Distinction
65-74 = Credit
50-64 = Pass
48-49 = Pass Conceded
0-47 = Fail

Description of Standard Grades:
High Distinction (HD) Exceptional performance indicating complete and comprehensive understanding of
the subject matter; genuine mastery of relevant skills; demonstration of an extremely high level of
interpretative and analytical ability and intellectual initiative; and achievement of all major and minor
objectives of the course.

Distinction (D) Excellent performance indicating a very high level of understanding of the subject matter;
development of relevant skills to a very high level; demonstration of a very high level of interpretive and
analytical ability and intellectual initiative; and achievement of all major and minor objectives of the course.

Credit (C) Good performance indicating a high level of understanding of subject matter; development of
relevant skills to a high level; demonstration of a high level of interpretive and analytical ability and
achievement of all major objectives of the course; some minor objectives not fully achieved.

Pass (P) Satisfactory performance indicating an adequate understanding of most of the basic subject
matter; partial development of relevant skills; adequate interpretive and analytical ability and achievement
of all major objectives of the course; failure to achieve some minor objectives.

Non−graded Pass (NGP)
Successful completion of a course assessed on a pass/fail basis, indicating
satisfactory understanding of subject matter; satisfactory development of relevant skills; satisfactory
interpretive and analytical ability and achievement in all major objectives of the course.

Pass Conceded (PC)
Limited performance indicating partial understanding of basic subject matter; partial
development of relevant skills; some evidence of interpretive and analytical ability; achievement of most
major objectives of the course; failure to achieve some minor objectives.

Fail (F)
Unsatisfactory performance indicating an inadequate understanding of the basic subject matter;
failure to develop relevant skills; insufficient evidence of interpretive and analytical ability; and failure to
achieve major and minor objectives of the course.

Other grades which may be awarded are:
Fail, No Submission (FNS) Did not present any work for assessment, to be counted as failure.
Withdrawal with failure (WF)

Källa: 1304AFE Course Outline

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